Discrete Mathematics

Math 245
Spring 2002
Meeting: MWF, 9:00-10:00 am.
Bus. Adm./Math Building #260
San Diego State University

Professor: Mike O'Sullivan
Email: m.osullivan@math.sdsu.edu
Office: Bus. Adm./Math Building #217, ext. 594-6697
Office Hours: MWF: 10:00-11:00, 4:45-5:30.
                             Other times: by appointment or good fortune (I will normally be in my office and available).


E. R. Scheinerman, Mathematics -- A Discrete Introduction, 2nd Ed.
Our goal will be to cover sections 1-23, 43-53 and 55.

Schedule and Assignments

Course Description

Discrete mathematics is an exciting and rapidly growing area of mathematics which has important applications in computer science and in many high technology areas. For example, "secure" internet communication, efficient storage of data (e.g. jpeg) and robust communication networks are developed using techniques from discrete mathematics.

This course serves two main populations, students from mathematics and students from computer science. The course also has two distinct goals: one is to teach the basics of set theory, logic, combinatorics and graph theory. The other is to convey concepts essential to mathematics: absolute clarity and precision in definitions and statements of fact, and rigorous methods for establishing that a statement is true.


We will have weekly assignments, three midterms and a final exam. The midterms will be scheduled for Wednesdays, if not announced otherwise. For the weekly assignments, there will be a small number of problems (10 or so) which you should write up carefully. They will be graded and returned to you promptly (to the best of my ability).

I recommend that you do or at least attempt most of the exercises in the book. That is the best way to learn!

Point value for the work will be as follows (plus or minus 50 points)
Weekly work 200
Test 1 150
Test 2 150
Test 3 150
Final 350
Total 1000

First Midterm

Wednesday, February 27th on Section 1 through 8, 10, 14.

Final Exam

Friday, May 17 8:00-10:00 am. in BA 260.

Grading Scale

A: 100-85%, B: 84-70%, C: 69-55%, D: 55-40%, F: below 40%


There will be no makeup exams. A missing midterm will amount to F for the respective exam. For each exam a calculator and one arbitrarily densely written letter-sized sheet of paper (cheat sheet) will be allowed.

I hope you enjoy the class and learn a lot