Assignment | Topics covered | Due date |
I: Probs. A, B. Koblitz III.1 #7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16 | Enigma. Affine ciphers and attacks | Tues. 2/4 |
II: Koblitz III.2 #11,12, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 | Affine matrices, product ciphers, number of keys | Tues. 2/11 |
III: Koblitz II.1 #2, IV.2 #1, 2, 6, Probs C, D, E, F | RSA and attacks, the Chinese Remainder theorem | Tues. 2/25 |
Koblitz I.1 #9,10,14,15; I.2 #9-12; I.3 #7,13,15,16,21 | Computational complexity | Don't turn in |
IV: Koblitz V.1 #5,6,18,24, V.3 #6,8,9 | Primality testing and factoring | Tues. 3/11 |
EXAM | Affine crypto, RSA primality test, factoring |
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V: II.1 # 7d,9, Probs. G, H, IV.3 # 1b,3,6,10 | Discrete log cryptosystems, index calculus | Tues. 3/25 |
VI: Koblitz IV.4 #3,5, Probs. I, J | Knapsack and McEliece cryptosystems | Thurs. 4/18 |
VII: (To be determined) | Factor base, SPH, Index Calculus algorithms | Thurs. 4/25 |
VIII: Prob. K, Koblitz VI.1 #5 a-c, 6 (char 2), 9, VI.2 # 3, 11 | elliptic curve cryptosystems | Thurs. 5/14 |